Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Another urgent appeal:
    Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 09:25:01 -0800
    From: "Peter Schurman,"
    To: "achtungalmanac"
    Subject: Join the Censure Walk-In in Los Angeles.

    Dear MoveOn member,

    This is a key week in our campaign for Censure. Our Senators are home from DC on recess, so it’s a great time to visit their local offices. But to make an impressive show of support for Censure, we need everyone to step forward. Can you help with a powerful new action we're organizing this Thursday, February 19th, in Los Angeles?

    We're doing something totally new -- a "Walk In". All day, a steady stream of individual MoveOn members will walk into Senate offices everywhere, speak briefly with the staff, call for censure, and deliver a section of our petition. Each visit will take less than 5 minutes, but as soon as one of us leaves the Senator's office, the next person will show up right behind them.

    It's a powerful, clear, and simple way to make sure our message is heard. Sign up to be part of it now, at:

    We've already put an ad in the Washington Post, and we're running radio ads, making phone calls, and writing to our newspaper editors. Now we've got to ask Congress, in person, to hold Bush accountable for deliberately hyping and distorting the facts about Iraq's supposed WMDs.

    Americans are outraged. A new poll says "a majority of Americans believe President Bush either lied or deliberately exaggerated evidence that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction in order to justify war." [1] A recent Newsweek cover asks "Will Anyone Pay?" [2]

    Even Fox News' Bill O'Reilly is now admitting that Bush misled us, saying, "I was wrong. I am not pleased about it at all and I think all Americans should be concerned about this." [3]

    The fact is, President Bush was planning for war with Iraq from his first days in office. [4] Having made that decision, he ran a campaign of misinformation, hype and hysteria that led us into war.

    Before the war, Bush was repeatedly told there was no definitive evidence that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. [5] He knew Iraq was not a nuclear threat. [6] He knew there was no Iraq connection to 9/11. [7] Iraq posed no imminent danger to the United States. There was no case for a pre-emptive war.

    Yet Bush relentlessly led us into a war that has cost 500 American lives, left 3,000 seriously injured, and wasted tens of billions of dollars. Thousands of Iraqis have been killed as well.

    President Bush has betrayed our trust, and there must be consequences.

    Sign up to call on your Senator to censure the president, at:

    Thank you, for all you do.


    --Adam, Carrie, Eli, James, Joan, Laura, Noah, Peter, Wes, and Zack
    The Team
    February 17th, 2004

    P.S.: If you haven't already signed the petition for censure, please do, at:


    [1] Washington Post, "Most Think Truth Was Stretched to Justify Iraq War", 2/13/04:

    [2] Newsweek, Cover, 2/9/04:

    [3] O'Reilly on Good Morning America, as quoted in Reuters, "Pundit O'Reilly Now Skeptical About Bush", 2/10/04:

    [4] Former Secretary of the Treasury Paul O'Neill, 60 Minutes, 1/11/04:

    [5] "The Selling of the Iraq War: The First Casualty," The New Republic, 6/30/03:
    and Defense Intelligence Agency Report, 6/13/03:

    [6] International Atomic Energy Agency Report, 10/8/98:
    and Washington Post, "Bush Aides Disclose Warnings from CIA", 7/23/03.

    [7] Seattle Post-Intelligencer, "Bush: No Link to 9/11 Found", 9/18/03:
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