Thursday, March 11, 2004

    Dear MoveOn member, has just broken a major story detailing
    how the Pentagon created a special office to
    manipulate intelligence data on Iraq and WMDs. It's
    written by Karen Kwiatkowski, a military officer
    who watched this unit at work, telling us the
    inside story in her own words.

    Click here to read the full story:

    The Salon story makes it even clearer than before
    that the Bush administration deliberately misled
    us in the run-up to the war in Iraq a year ago.
    The problem was not bad intelligence -- it was
    deliberate distortion of the facts.

    It's Congress' duty to hold President Bush
    accountable for misleading us. Please call your
    Senators and Representative now:

    Senator Dianne Feinstein
    Washington, DC: 202-224-3841

    Senator Barbara Boxer
    Washington, DC: 202-224-3553

    Congressman Xavier Becerra
    Washington, DC: 202-225-6235

    Make sure they know you're a constituent, then
    urge them to:

    "Censure President Bush -- formally reprimand
    him for misleading us
    about Iraq's WMDs."

    Give them some reasons why Censure is necessary.
    Some good ones include:

    - 553 American soldiers have given their lives in
    - Tens of thousands of our troops remain in
    harm's way there;
    - A year later, we seem to have no exit strategy;
    - Thousands of Iraqi civilians have been killed;
    - The President took us to war based on
    assertions he knew were untrue -- for more info, see ;
    - Congress has a constitutional duty to act as a
    check on the president.

    Please let us know you're calling, at:

    The new Salon story is important, not only
    because of its revelations about how the Pentagon
    cooked the books on WMDs, but also because it's the
    first piece by Salon's new Washington, D.C. bureau.

    Strong, independent news sources are more
    important now than ever, as
    traditional media become increasingly
    concentrated under the control of just a few corporations,
    and with major outlets like CBS nakedly kowtowing
    to Republican interests. In this context,
    Salon's new Washington, D.C. bureau is a major step
    forward for all of us.

    We hope you'll take a few minutes to read their
    important article today. You can access it at:

    Thank you.


    - Carrie, Joan, Noah, Peter, and Wes
    The team
    Wednesday March 10th, 2004

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