And of course, does its excellent media recap ... as per usual ... (click the logo, matey)
Check out t r u t h o u t for more articles analyzing the MISStateMENT of the Union speech...
Paris Le Monde | 01.22.04 | "And I'm the only candidate capable of continuing the search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq!" | (Art: Pancho)
SUFFER THE FRENCH SCHOOLCHILDREN Hatred Bush Hath Wrought CARQUEFOU, FRANCE--Why do they hate us? And where do they get their hatred from? by , 1/20/04
Powerlines The Revenge of the Pols John Kerry and John Edwards are more conventional candidates than Howard Dean and Wesley Clark — and they may be stronger, too by Harold Meyerson
Under the Iowa Radar Hanging with the general’s supporters, and the post-caucus party scene by Joshuah Bearman
Is That All There Is? Bush runs out of policy and hews to a narrow political attack by Harold Meyerson
All from the JANUARY 23 - 29, 2004 issue of the LAWeekly!
Mondo New Hampshire Bush Overshadows the Primaries Pundits Continue Their Attack on Howard Dean by James Ridgeway, January 20th, 2004 11:00 AM
Mondo Washington Warnings During Wartime With Christ's Approval, Bush Calls for Abstinence, Defends the Empire, and Rallies the Rich by James Ridgeway, January 21st, 2004 10:00 AM
Cheney's Grim Vision: Decades of War By James Sterngold, The San Francisco Chronicle, Thursday 15 January 2004 Vice president says Bush policy aimed at long-term world threat
The Fortune 500 By John Cory, t r u t h o u t | Perspective, Sunday 18 January 2004 "Yeh, some folks inherit star spangled eyes, ooh, they send you down to war, Lord, And when you ask them, how much should we give, oh, they only answer, more, more, more"
- Fortunate Son by John Fogarty
A Dishonest War By Edward M. Kennedy, The Washington Post, Sunday 18 January 2004