With inquiries under way on both sides of the Atlantic, the failure of western intelligence over Iraq is coming under intense scrutiny. Yes, the spies got it wrong, admits former CIA analyst Kenneth Pollack, but the politicians also moulded the evidence to fit the case for war
Subject: A very British tragedy
From: "openDemocracy" Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2004 20:24:59 -0000
To: "achtung almanac"
A very British tragedy
A week is a long time in politics. The Hutton report is no longer a simple victory for Tony Blair and defeat for the BBC: it has become a crisis for the British public realm. As the prime minister follows George Bush in announcing an inquiry into pre-Iraq war intelligence on Saddam's weapons of mass destruction, http://www.openDemocracy.net presents the leading political historian and commentator David Marquand's crisp, devastating diagnosis of an unfolding drama:
* Hutton is not a whitewash - it's worse than that. There is a malaise at the very heart of British political culture
* Andrew Gilligan, the BBC journalist who accused the government of 'sexing up' intelligence information, and Alastair Campbell, Blair's former head of communications are "symptoms of the same sickness": contempt for the public in government and media
* 'Scoop hunting', like the political spin it mirrors, "is not an ornament of a free press…It is a cancer gnawing at its entrails"
* Tony Blair has in the end lost. "His credibility in shreds"
* Blair's "American ally. . . has hung him out to dry"
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Tuesday, February 03, 2004
I'm actually shocked...
A Bush Covert Operative Takes Over Al Sharpton's Campaign Sleeping With the GOP by Wayne Barrett, February 5th, 2004 8:20 AM
(illustration: Bill Mayer)
Here's the latest from the gang at Anybody but Bush:
Subject: Anybody But Bush Update: Bush's Guard Service In Question
From: xxxxxxx@xxx.xxx Add to Address Book
Date: Tue, 03 Feb 2004 04:53:38 -0800
((((((( Anybody But Bush Update: Bush's Guard Service In Question )))))))